Saturday, December 27, 2008

Several years ago Helen and I decided to go to a nursing home north of Baltimore somewhere to take Tish Jackens out for lunch. The staff didn't seem to happy with what we were doing but did go along. With me pushing the wheel chair and Helen pulling the large oxygen tank–this was before the small ones existed I guess–the staff helped us get Tish in the car. When we got to the restaurant we were on our home but we did manage to get her into the restaurant and back to the home safety On the way home we decided that we wouldn't do anything like that again and realized why the staff was so discomforted by 2 old ladies taking another old lady out for lunch

I could always call on Helen when ever I needed help ie Choir School, Circle leader, substitute for bridge etc. I will really miss her. When ever I went over to visit she was always interested in what every one else was doing and was so stoic about her deteriorating condition. She will be sorely missed especially by me.

Jean Parker

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